Craft the World Wiki

In this game there are several keyboard shortcuts that can be use to speed up the gamplay:

Key Description
Number keys (No numpad) 1-9 Trigger the related quick bar slots. This keys works also when a dwarf is selected.
F1, F2, F3 Change the game speed to normal (F1), 1.5x (F2), 2x (F3).
F9 Switch between hardware and software cursor. This can be used fix an issue with some AMD drivers.
  • Open the pause menu.
  • Close the current menu (craft/equip) if is open.
  • Cancel selection of the dwarf / exit direct control.
Arrows keys and W A S D Scroll the map or move a dwarf when under your direct control.
E Open the equip menu.
I Open the craft menu.
P Pause the game.
H Move camera to base.
Space Select next dwarf.
Mouse wheel Change zoom level.
Shift + Click or Right Click Mine/chop multiple blocks at the same time. Right Click also works when controlling a dwarf.
  • Double-Click an item in the craft menu will shows its details.
  • Double-Click an item while it is on the craft table to spread it to adjacent cells.
  • Double-Click a door/hatch to open/close it without using the context menu.
Alt (Command on Mac) + Enter Switch between full screen and window mode.
Ctrl + R Send dwarves with health under 70% to sleep (Rest)
Ctrl + E Send starving dwarves to eat (Eat)
Ctrl A new quick bar will appear with empty slots which can be filled up and used at any time by holding CTRL.

When a dwarf is selected:

Key Description
F Go eat (Food)
R Go sleep (Rest)
E Equip
O Direct control