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Craft the World Wiki
Wizard's Staff
Wizard's Staff

This staff allows its owner (a dwarf) to use prepared magic spell potions in battle.

Type Weapon
Damage 20[*]
Range 5
Price 30 Coin
Tech needed Expert Weaponry

The wizard's staff[1][2] grants a basic lightning attack that can chain to one additional enemy.

Crafting recipe[]

Crafting station
Forge Forge
Ingredient(s) Qty.
Quartz Quartz 1
Needle Crystal Needle Crystal 1
Pink Crystal Pink Crystal 1
Silver Ingot Silver Ingot 2
Crafting grid
Quartz Needle Crystal Pink Crystal
Silver Ingot
Silver Ingot
Wizard's Staff Wizard's Staff 1


Game version Release Changes
0.9.016 24 Feb, 2014 Introduced.[2]
0.9.019[3] 07 Mar, 2014 Up to this version, the wizard's staff was the only staff available on the game.
Wooden staff and mithril wizard's staff were introduced.
Changed recipe from: red, needle and purple crystals plus 2 mithril ores;[2]to: quartz, needle and pink crystals plus 2 silver ingots.
0.9.024 24 Apr, 2014 Limited distance of lightnings from magic staff.
0.9.028 22 May, 2014 Mage dwarfs can shoot chain lightnings. Chain length depends on staff level.
0.9.030 17 Jun, 2014 Performed tuning of mage staff for duration and strength of various spells.
1.2.001 19 Dec, 2015 * Damage was increased from 15 to 20.
1.4.009 5 May 2017 (Multiplayer- creative mode) Fixed: dwarf mages beat with staffs instead of use the lightnings.

See also[]


  1. As it appears in the inventory. In the game files it's called mstaff.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 As it required mithril ore to be crafted, it was called "mithril staff" on 0.9.016 by devs.
  3. This update log also brings this note: "Changed workbenches requirements for crafting wizard's staff." Not sure what was this about as the workbench had no direct relation with this item in the old tech tree. And this item (mstaff) was always crafted in the forge (at least since v.1.9.015 - game files verified). Maybe it was a bug fixed.